The aim of business department is to provide improved quality education to our clients and making sure that education is competence based to enhance employability of our graduates.
Business department has produced thousands of graduates who work in both government and private sector as managers, Accountants assistants, Marketing officers, Cashiers, Sub accountants, Procurement Assistants, Records assistants, and Store Assistants, Senior Accounts Assistants and many others.
Business department is the largest department which encompasses  a number of diploma and certificate programs namely;

  • Diploma in Business Studies. (DBS) with  Accounting and Marketing options
  • Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management.(DPLM)
  • Diploma in Records and Information Management. (DRIM)
  • National certificate in Business Studies (NCBS)
  • National certificate in Records and Information Management (NCRIM)

The Department of Business has a dedicated and qualified staff who include;

Names Qualifications Title
Nabankema Elizabeth PGDE, CPA, BBA, DBA Senior Lecturer
Kakuru Robert Bitara MBA,PGDS,PGDE,BSC Principal Lecturer
Rugumayo Andrew Mpirwe BBA Lecturer
 Akankwasa John  B.Ed,Dip.Educ Lecturer
 Kyokusiima Doreck Nkogi  B.Ed,Dip.Educ Lecturer
 Betihamu Ishimael  B.Ed,Dip.Educ Lecturer
 Mwanja Benia B  B.Ed Lecturer
 Karebya Jasper  B.Ed Lecturer
 Rubarema Paul  PGD-HRM,BBA,Dip.Educ Lecturer

Turyasingura Nelson- Lecturer

Dip.Educ, B.Educ